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Customer & Employee Engagement

프로그램을 완료하면 수료증을 발급 받을 수 있습니다.


Understand the principles of assessing customer and employee engagement! This course is intended for AI and Data Science professionals seeking a robust understanding of statistical concepts used for measuring employee and customer engagement. During the course, participants will learn about sampling, power, alpha, beta, and effect size. Furthermore, participants will learn how to establish survey questions using a LIKERT scale, utilize Net Promoter Score (NPS), and how to use Cronbach Alpha to assess question effectiveness. Other concepts that will be covered include kurtosis, QQ and PP plots, and the Shapiro-Wilks formula for testing if a distribution is normal. Other topics will include one way and 2 way ANOVA and post-hoc testing. - Course is free for Silver, Gold and Elite Tier members - 60 minutes of learning - Participants must pass the assessment to earn a digital badge and certificate

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일시불 결제
플랜 3개 사용 가능
최저 US$29.00/월 + US$25.00 Account Setup Fee

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2025 (C) Machine Leadership LLC, 모든 권리 보유
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